If you like quirky, funny, spooky or downright terrifying Black-Mirror-style stories then you've come to the right place.
I enjoy writing in most genres, but what I return to again and again is speculative fiction, where the world is recognisably itself but something is a bit...off. Or a lot.
I have won or been placed in various competitions both nationally and internationally including: Radio New Zealand as a winner of their Short Story competition, the Graeme Lay Short Story competition (shortlist), the NZ Society of Authors Northland short story competition (second place), twice featured in the monthly Flash Frontier and on the poster for Dunedin's MicroFlash event, long-listed for the Bridport Prize for short stories and flash fiction, 2 Silver Awards from Writers of the Future, featured in 2 traditionally published anthologies - Lifespan - Older, and 21 Futures: Financial Fallout, as well as various online publications.
Spring Clean at the Pool was one of five winners of the inaugural Radio New Zealand short story competition. It was produced for radio and broadcast in 2021 Listen to it here​
I write novels too. I have written a mystery thriller and am halfway through a supernatural thriller (see Work). I have also written a comical memoir. I'll be looking to self-publish or traditionally publish, so watch this space.
After a long stint living in Europe, I came back to live on Stewart Island in the deep south of New Zealand for twenty years and now, along with my husband and teen, call Dunedin home.