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A sinister coastal town, a missing girl, a woman punishing herself for failing to find her and the terrible events she is pushed into in her desperation to atone. If you're a fan of the series Broadchurch, you'll love this thrilling fast-paced mystery.
Contains scenes of rape, violence, murder.
In final editing/unpublished as yet

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Misery Guts

Work in Progress
A supernatural thriller about mysterious creatures that emerge from deep under the ocean after a massive earthquake uplifts the coast. Inundating the land, they seek out warm blooded creatures and feast on unhappiness and sickness, leaving empty euphoria behind. Are they the answer to human misery? And what happens when all the misery is eaten? Lotte, her wheelchair-using sister and the man they hate have to join forces to find out

Stewart Island Stories Short and Tall

A comical memoir featuring the good, the bad and the funny over twenty years of running visitor accommodation on New Zealand's third island - Stewart Island
Unpublished as yet

Image by Trish H-C
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